The Top 10 Benefits of Living in a Well-Managed HOA

10. Well-maintained amenities – HOAs typically do an outstanding job of maintaining amenities. (Think manicured and over-seeded common area lawns, freshly painted walls, lighting that works and clean play areas, to name just a few)

9. Increased amenities – Not just well-maintained amenities, but lots of them, too, which may include walking trails, sport courts, swimming pools, barbecue pits and neighborhood parks

8. Aesthetically pleasing homes – Just take a drive through your community and you’ll see

7. Rules and regulations deter nuisance activity and promote conformity – Beauty is not just in the eye of the beholder

6. Added layer of support in dealing with neighborhood property issues – HOAs often partner with municipal code compliance departments to ensure adherence to the rules

5. Community bonding and communication among neighbors – A great way to make new friends

4. Increased community pride – Who wouldn’t be proud to live in an attractive, well-run community

3. Financial stability – A well-managed HOA has a reserve study in place and funds available for future common area repairs and capital improvements, thereby reducing the likelihood of special assessments down the road

2. TLC – Community common areas are cared for by trained professionals

And the number one benefit of living in a well-managed HOA…

1. Properly protected property values.